Manuscripts submitted to the journal for evaluation should not have been published in an electronic or printed medium. Manuscripts that have been presented in a meeting (symposium, congress, panel, seminar etc.) should be submitted with detailed information on the organization, including the name, date, and location of the organization. In researches conducted on humans or animals, a copy of the Interventional or Non-Interventional Ethics Committee/Commission's approval must be sent to the journal. In studies supported by research projects (BAP, BAKA, European Union, TUBITAK, etc.), the project name, number and supporting institution/organization should be specified in the text.
All research protocols with humans must conform to the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki (Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, acces: amended in October 2013. For researches on experimental research on humans, a statement should be added stating that patients and volunteers have signed a written informed consent form containing a detailed description of the procedures.
In experimental animal studies, the authors should indicate that the procedures followed were in accordance with animal rights as per the “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals” In animal studies, it is obligatory to obtain permission from the "Animal Experiments Local Ethics Committee" and send a copy of the relevant document to the journal.