1- Authors must first become a member of the DergiPark System in order to submit articles to the Current Perspectives on Health Sciences published at Mehmet Akif Ersoy University.
2- The author initiates the article submission process by using the "Submit New Article" option from the journal's address in DergiPark through the user profile. The author should follow the steps in the new article submission guideline in order to upload the article to the system.
3- When the installation process is completed on the DergiPark system, the editor evaluates the article (in terms of scientific proficiency, originality etc.) and sends it to the associate editor for language and spelling check.
4- The associate editor completes the control step by contacting the author through the message box in the system to make the necessary corrections, if any. Then, the associate editor sends the article to the plagiarist in order to determine the plagiarism rate.
5- The plagiarist accepts articles with a similarity of 25%, excluding the whole article, and redirects them to the associate editor. The associate editor will forward the article to the section editor after this step.
6- The section editor sends the article to the first referee registered with the DergiPark System for review within 20 days after evaluating the article in terms of journal writing rules, ethical rules, and scientific quality.
7- Desired appreciations from the referee are forwarded to the author via the "process with the author" option, and desired appreciations are requested within 15 days.
8- The author prepares the desired appreciations using the "Review and track changes" option on the Microsoft Word program (The author and referee must hide their name from the "Options" tab via Word).
9- After checking the corrections comparatively, the section editor sends the article to the second referee registered to the DergiPark System to evaluate the article within 20 days.
10- Desired appreciations from the referee are forwarded to the author via the "process with the author" option and they are requested within 15 days.
11- If one of the referees gives an opinion about the rejection of the article, the section editor sends the article to a third referee.
12- After the third referee evaluation, the section editor informs the editor about the acceptance or rejection of the article.
13- The final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of the article belongs to the editor.
14- The article accepted by the editor is sent to the layout. The article accepted by the editor is sent to the layout. The copy from the layout is submitted to the author's approval before printing in pdf format.
15-After appreciations are made in line with the suggestions of the author, they are sent to the redactor (end reader) for general control before printing. The copy from the redactor is sent to the editor for electronic printing. The author can view the article through the DergiPark System when the editor approves to create and publish a new issue.